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Moira Primary School ‘Learning Together’

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At Moira Primary School we are determined to develop enthusiastic and confident readers. Learning to read is the foundation for future success.  Reading is a core skill that underpins our whole curriculum and we want to ensure that every child is a competent reader by the end of Key Stage two. 


Throughout the school we promote a positive ethos for Reading for Pleasure. This is achieved through promoting reading as an activity that is valued and encouraged. Book areas where pupils can browse, choose and read a variety of books are established in every classroom. Reading is actively encouraged further by numerous reading opportunities across the school day. This is in the form of modelled and shared reading within the English curriculum and across the wider curriculum, daily story times where teachers are able to model fluency and the process of making inferences, reading during daily phonic sessions, whole class and small group guided reading sessions. Vocabulary is discussed and extended and all pupils have access to the school library.


Reading workshops happen four times per week and enable teachers across the school to deliver quality guided reading sessions- focused on supporting children to develop a rich knowledge of reading strategies.  As EEF research suggests that the best approach to teaching reading is through a variety of strategies, our children receive a whole class reading session each week.  Children will all have at least one guided reading session per week with targeted children receiving further intervention where the need is identified.   Whilst the adults deliver these small group sessions, other ‘groups’ of children complete various reading tasks (adapted to the children’s level/need) to scaffold and support their learning further.  Our teachers have regular INSET to support their own professional development and to ensure that a consistent approach is used across the school.    


Where children are working below the expected standard, they will receive interventions.  These children will be identified in a number of ways: through pupil progress meetings; in discussions with teachers; from analysing data and other assessment tools.  Children who are working 2 or more years below their age expected level will all receive 1:1 daily reading opportunities with skilled staff including teachers, HLTAs and TAs.  All children who are less than 2 years below but are not yet meeting their age related expectation will receive an extra guided reading session per week. 


Reading Roads

The reading reads are suggested texts across the primary age range. In general, the books of the top bit of road are recommended for KS1, the next for Lower KS2 and the bottom row for Upper KS2. The final one or two books on the list are recommended more for the beginning of KS3.
