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Moira Primary School ‘Learning Together’

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Beyond Bullying

At Moira Primary School everyone is committed to ensuring a safe, happy and positive environment in which all can achieve and make the most from their school day.  The school treats all reported forms of bullying seriously.  All members of the school community deserve the right to feel valued, equal and respected and be able to come to school or work without fear.  


Bullying is different from other kinds of unacceptable behaviour because it has a serious effect on a person's self-esteem, emotional and mental health, which in turn prevents them from developing their full potential and can seriously affect their life chances.  The whole school community and bystanders have a duty to be mindful in this situations.  All children and adults should be able to tell someone they trust and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively.


We have adopted the Anti-Bullying Alliance's definition of bullying which is:

‘The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.’


This can happen face to face or online.


Our named Anti-Bullying Lead is Miss Johnson.


Our named Anti-Bullying Governor is Mrs. Uprichard.  


We are currently working with Leicestershire County Council to renew our Beyond Bullying Award status.  Here is a link to their website:

Our policies for Anti-Bullying and Behaviour can be found in the Policies section.  We also have child friendly versions of these which are displayed in classrooms, copies can be found in the Children section.  Our school charter is below:

There are a number of different kinds of bullying but is it not limited to:


Physical: Hitting, kicking, stealing, hiding belongings, anything physically unpleasant.


Verbal: Name-calling, insults, religious taunting, offensive remarks, teasing, using language, which is threatening, coercive, racist, sexist, homophobic. This includes attacks on non-English speakers, SEN pupils and those with a disability.


Emotional bullying: rumour spreading, malicious gossip, extortion, coercion of the harmed into acts he/she does not wish to do, intimidation, initiation or hazing violence, ostracising, spreading rumours or stories, graffiti, threatening or obscene gestures, inciting others to be unkind, excluding, isolating or ignoring another pupil.


Cyber: All areas of the internet such as email and internet chat room misuse, mobile phone threats by text messages or calls, misuse of associated technology i.e. camera and video facilities.


Forms of bullying (as referred to in our Equality policy) could be considered as:


Instigators may use different pretexts as the basis of their bullying, including the nine protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation).


Racial, religious, cultural bullying - is where the motivation for bullying is based on the targets skin colour, culture, nationality or faith.


SEN and disability bullying - where an individual or group are targeted because of a special educational need or disability which includes learning difficulties, sensory impairments and mental health conditions.


Appearance or health conditions – where an individual or group are targeted because of their physical appearance or a health condition for example a disfigurement, a traumatic injury, severe skin condition.


Home circumstance – where the motivation for bullying is based on the persons living arrangements for example: young carers, children in care or geographic locality i.e. where they live.


Homophobic and Biphobic bullying – relates to a person’s sexual orientation. It is based on prejudice or negative attitudes, beliefs or views about lesbian, gay or bi people. Individuals or groups can be targeted because of their actual or perceived sexuality. People who have lesbian, gay or bi family members can also be targeted as can students who do not conform to gender stereotypes.


Transphobic bullying – relates to gender identity. It is based on prejudice or negative attitudes, views or beliefs about trans people. Transphobic bullying affects people who are trans but can also affect those questioning their gender identity as well as people who are not trans but do not conform to gender stereotypes.


Sexual bullying can relate to the target’s gender or body, this can have a sexual and/or sexist element.



If you have a concern about bullying at Moira Primary School, please let us know straight away so we can deal with the issue promptly and effectively.  In the first instance speak to your child's class teacher who will  investigate the situation.  They may refer to the Anti-Bullying Lead.  If it is deemed a bullying incident, Mrs. Santy will be informed and meetings arranged to support all parties involved.





Supporting Organisations and Guidance

  • Anti-Bullying Alliance:
  • Beat Bullying:
  • Childline:
  • Family Lives:
  • Kidscape:
  • MindEd:
  • NSPCC:
  • Restorative Justice Council:
  • The Diana Award:
  • Victim Support:
  • Young Minds:
  • Young Carers:


  • Childnet International:
  • Digizen:
  • Internet Watch Foundation:
  • Think U Know:
  • UK Safer Internet Centre:


  • EACH:
  • Pace:
  • Schools Out:
  • Stonewall:


  • Changing Faces:
  • Mencap:

Racism and Hate

  • Anne Frank Trust:
  • Kick it Out:
  • Report it:
  • Stop Hate:
  • Show Racism the Red Card: 